Barons of Cartsburn (1669–Present)
Thomas Crawfurd of Cartsburn, 1st Baron of Cartsburn (1669–1695)
Thomas Crawfurd of Cartsburn, 2nd Baron of Cartsburn (1695–1743)
Archibald Crawfurd of Cartsburn, 3rd Baron of Cartsburn (1743–1783)
Thomas Crawfurd of Cartsburn, 4th Baron of Cartsburn (1783–1791), invited Robert Burns to stay at his country estate at Cartsburn.[1][2] Burns himself writes of Thomas Crawfurd of Cartsburn’s “ingenious, friendly, and elegant epistle”.[3] In his Preface to the Memoirs of Sir Ewen Cameron of Lochiel, Chief of the Clan Cameron, James Macknight describes Thomas as “a person of superior literary attainments”, who “collected a considerable library”.[4]
Christian Crawfurd of Crawfurdsburn, 5th Baroness of Cartsburn (1791–1796) (married Robert Arthur)
Christian Crawfurd of Crawfurdsburn, 6th Baroness of Cartsburn (1796–1818) (married Thomas Macknight of Ratho)
William Macknight Crawfurd of Ratho, 7th Baron of Cartsburn (1818–1855)
Thomas Macknight Crawfurd of Cartsburn and Lauriston Castle, 8th Baron of Cartsburn (1856–1909), was credited with a number of ameliorations to the grounds of Lauriston Castle, a property which he acquired in 1871.[5] He made general improvements to Lauriston, including the bringing of a number of architectural features from his estate at Cartsburn.[6]
Marion Woddrop Dennistoun Mitchell Crawfurd of Cartsburn, 9th Baroness of Cartsburn (1909–1912) (married James Dennistoun Mitchell of Carwood)
Lilian Parkinson or Macknight Crawfurd of Cartsburn, 10th Baroness of Cartsburn (1912–1912) (liferent)
Robert Arthur Christie Crawfurd of Cartsburn, 11th Baron of Cartsburn (1912–1935) (with liferent to Lilian Parkinson or Macknight Crawfurd)
Amy Christie Crawfurd of Cartsburn, 12th Baroness of Cartsburn (1935–1958) (held in trust for her sons by her husband, 1958–1974)
Alan Howard Crawfurd Colls, 13th Baron of Cartsburn (1958–2008) (as senior heir and joint holder with his brother Richard Andrew Colls, for both of whom the Barony was held in trust 1958–1974)
Mark Paul Lindley-Highfield of Ballumbie Castle, 14th Baron of Cartsburn (2008–2010)[7]
Dr. Pier Felice degli Uberti, 15th Baron of Cartsburn, belongs to an historical Italian family of the ancient Duchy of Monferrat, according to the tradition supported by some historians[8] considered a branch of de Ubertis of Florence, with sure genealogical documentation from the beginning of XV Century. Heraldic heir of Cicugnone, a line of Counts of Cavaglià[9] . Scholar in documentary sciences, President of International Commission for Orders of Chivalry – ICOC (1999 – present), President of Istituto Araldico Genealogico Italiano – IAGI (2002 – present), President of Federazione delle Associazioni Italiane di Genealogia, Storia di Famiglia, Araldica e Scienze Documentarie – FAIG (2003 – Present), 2nd Vice President of l’Academie Internationale de Généalogie – AIG (2010 – present), General Secretary of Confédération Internationale de Généalogie et d’Héraldique – CIGH (2009 – present) and President of Commission for Prizes and Medals (2008 – present), Academician of l’Academie Internationale d’Heraldique – AIH (2007 – present).
Coat of arms of Crawfurd of Cartsburn
Coat of arms of Macknight Crawfurd of Cartsburn
Coat of arms of Thomas Macknight Crawfurd of Cartsburn (1866)
Coat of arms of Mark Paul Lindley-Highfield of Ballumbie Castle, 14th baron of Cartsburn
Coat of arms of Pier Felice degli Uberti, baron of Cartsburn
[1] “Thomas Crawford of Cartsburn”. Robert Burns Country: The Burns Encyclopedia. Retrieved 2009-08-29.
[2] Burns, R. (1811). Walker, J.. ed. Poems by Robert Burns: with an account of his life. 2. Edinburgh.
[3] Motherwell, W. & Hogg, J. (1835). The works of Robert Burns. iv. Glasgow: Archibald Fullerton & Co..
[4] Macknight, J. and Drummond, J. (1842). Macknight, J.. ed. Memoirs of Sir Ewen Cameron of Locheill, chief of the Clan Cameron: with an introductory account of the history and antiquities of that family and of the neighbouring clans. Edinburgh: Maitland Club.
[5] Motherwell, W. & Hogg, J. (1835). The works of Robert Burns. iv. Glasgow: Archibald Fullerton & Co..
[6] Weir, D. (1829). History of the town of Greenock. London: Whittaker & Co.
[7] The following Note was attached to a Warrant issued by the Lord Lyon King of Arms of date 1 December 2009 granting Armorial Bearings to Mark Paul Lindley-Highfield of Ballumbie Castle, Baron of Cartsburn:-NOTE: In his Note dated 15th May 2006 refusing the Petition of Margaret Hamilton of Rockhall, Baroness of Lag, as regards the appropriate form of baronial additaments, Lord Lyon Blair also considered what evidential value might attach to an entry in the private and unofficial “Scottish Barony Register” which had been established as a means of recording the transfer of quondam feudal baronies following the coming into force on 28th November 2004 (“the appointed day”) of the Abolition of Feudal Tenure etc (Scotland) Act 2000. Section 63 of that Act dissociates such baronies from both jurisdiction and land. The Act, however, preserves the dignity of baron, but enacts that after the appointed day any such dignity shall be transferable only as incorporeal heritable property. Lyon Blair indicated that he was not disposed to accept an entry in this private register as proof that a Petitioner was entitled to the dignity of baron. He noted the difficulty in regard to verifying both the existence and the ownership of a barony since the appointed day given the lack of an official public register. The Scottish Barony Register was a private register with no statutory basis which offered no guarantee of the validity of any claim and was not covered by any government indemnity providing protection from error or fraud. It had been established as a company limited by guarantee, one of the directors being Mr Brian Hamilton who was well-known as being active in the purchase and sale of baronies. Lyon Blair was also critical of some of the terms and conditions attached to registration. He concluded, “I do not consider that a private Register, managed by a person appointed by a private company with no public scrutiny, and operated under terms which allow complete discretion as to what evidence is to be provided, is an acceptable source of evidence in an application before the Court of the Lord Lyon.”
Lyon Blair’s ruling in that Petition was subsequently subject to judicial review. When the review reached court, the parties were able to agree a statement as regards the appropriate form of baronial additaments, to which the Court interponed authority. That agreement, however, did not include consideration of the evidential value of the Scottish Baronial Register. Accordingly Lyon Blair’s comments on this still stand. I am persuaded that there is considerable force in Lyon Blair’s reasoning and am not prepared to accept an entry in the Scottish Baronial Register as being, in itself, sufficient proof of ownership of the barony in question. I appreciate, however, the unsatisfactory nature of the present position in relation to baronies and the need to explore further options. In the meantime I am persuaded that I can regard the present Custodian of the private register, Mr. Alistair Rennie, as a man of skill, and am prepared to take his approval as Custodian of the registration of the ownership of a particular barony, as evidenced by the company registration stamp, coupled with a confirmatory statement to Lyon Office from Mr. Rennie himself, as being, in principle and for aught yet seen, sufficient proof of the existence and ownership of the barony in question. It is on this basis that I have determined that the Petitioner is entitled to the dignity of baron of Cartsburn for aught yet seen.
(signed) David Sellar Lyon.
[8] Alexandria – Rivista Mensile della Provincia, anno IV – n. 8 agosto 1936.
Can. Don Carlo Albano, In morte di Alessandro Ubertis, Tip. P. Bertero, Casale Monferrato, 1876.
Vincenzo De Conti, Notizie storiche della Città di Casale e del Monferrato, Vol. 3, Casale, 1839.
Giuseppe Amedeo Farinati degli Uberti, Ricerche Storico Genealogiche sulla Famiglia degli Uberti, Giornale Araldico-Genealogico-Diplomatico Italiano, R. Accademia Araldica Italiana, 1898.
Rodolfo Renier, Liriche edite ed inedite di Fazio degli Uberti, testo critico preceduto da una introduzione sulla famiglia e sulla vita dell’autore, Firenze, 1883.
Roberto Girino – Duilio Pozzi, Frassineto Po – Dagli albori della civiltà umana alle soglie del duemila – Volume II “Chronicon Frassinetese” – parte integrante del volume I. Editrice Fondazione Sant’Evasio. Diffusioni Grafiche. Villanova Monferrato 1996.
Libro d’Oro della Nobiltà Italiana, edizione XXIII, vol. XXVIII, 2005-2009, Colegio Araldico, Roma, pp. 896-897.
[9] Ferdinando Rondolino, Cronistoria di Cavaglià e dei suoi antichi conti, Torino, 1882.
Libro d’Oro della Nobiltà Italiana, edizione XXIII, vol. XXVIII, 2005-2009, Colegio Araldico, Roma, pp. 896-897.