The Lord Lyon King of Arms wishes to advise as follows regarding Petitions for the Grant of Arms:
‘In respect of future Petitions for Grants of Arms by persons owning a dignity of baron which has been acquired post the appointed day (that is, 28 November 2004), provided that the Lord Lyon determines that the dignity of baron exists, that the petitioner is a virtuous and well deserving person and determines to exercise his discretion in their favour to grant arms the Lord Lyon will, (1) if so required, officially recognise the petitioner as “Baron of [the barony]” and (2) grant them ensigns armorial with a helmet befitting their degree, namely the helmet assigned to the barons.
When a petitioner has no connection with Scotland that otherwise brings the petitioner within the jurisdiction of the Lord Lyon, Lyon accepts that subject to other relevant considerations he will accept the ownership of a dignity of a barony as sufficient to bring the petitioner within his discretionary jurisdiction to grant arms to that person as a person who will require to bear arms in Scotland by reason of his ownership of the dignity.